I am utilizing RevenueCat for subscriptions. It really works advantageous once I make the check buy however I am having an odd downside. I’ve a separate “Buy” button, when pressed, the RevenueCat motion sheet seems.
If I press the little x button in the precise hand nook to dismiss it or press exterior of the actionSheet, inside Purchases.shared.buy
, .purchaseCancelledError
will get referred to as. Nonetheless if I press the blue Subscription button, after which press the alert’s Okay, button, nothing occurs. No callbacks get triggered and I do not know that the person bought a subscription.
How can I do know when the person hits the Subscribe then pressed the OK button from the You are All Set alert?
func purchaseButtonTapped() {
let productID = "..."
Purchases.shared.getOfferings { [weak self](choices, error) in
guard let _ = error else { return }
for dict in choices.all {
let providing = dict.worth
let packages = providing.availablePackages
if let indexOfItem = packages.firstIndex(the place: { $0.storeProduct.productIdentifier == productID }) {
let pkg = packages[indexOfItem]
self?.showSystemActionSheet(for: pkg)
func showSystemActionSheet() {
Purchases.shared.buy(package deal: package deal) { (transaction, customerInfo, error, userCancelled) in
if let error = error as? RevenueCat.ErrorCode {
swap error {
case .purchaseCancelledError: // *** utilizing breakpoints this will get hit once I cancel or dismiss the actionSheet
case .productAlreadyPurchasedError, .operationAlreadyInProgressForProductError, .receiptInUseByOtherSubscriberError :
print("buy is lively")
case .purchaseNotAllowedError:
case .purchaseInvalidError:
default: break
if userCancelled {
guard let customerInfo = customerInfo else {
// this could get hit but it surely by no means does
// person pressed Subscribe then pressed the OK button from the You are All Set alert