As an instance I’ve
Library A depending on 2 libraries.
-> LibraryB 0.0.2
-> LibraryC 0.0.2
And Library B is determined by Library C as effectively, however with totally different model
-> LibraryC 0.0.1
When operating Carthage for Library A, I anticipate the resolved final result to be
-> LibraryB 0.0.2
-> -> LibraryC 0.0.1
-> LibraryC 0.0.2
in order that I may have 2 variations of Library C independently.
However the precise end result can be an error:
Couldn't choose a model for LibraryC, resulting from mutually incompatible necessities:
== 0.0.2
== 0.0.1
Can I obtain the end result I would like with Carthage?