I’m making an attempt to implement a inventory chart with swift with two plots: one is the worth and the opposite is a prediction/approximate for the worth. I attempted to implement this through the use of two loops of LineMark like beneath. For testing function, I used the identical dataset with one’s x worth shifted up by 1. However I bought the next challenge the place the beginning and finish y values are related once I add in a second loop of LineMark. How can I repair this?
VStack {
Chart {
ForEach(self.entries, id: .date) { entry in
x: .worth("Date", entry.date),
y: .worth("Worth", entry.closePrice + 1)
ForEach(self.entries, id: .date) { entry in
x: .worth("Date", entry.date),
y: .worth("Worth", entry.closePrice)
let curGradient = LinearGradient(
gradient: Gradient (
colours: [
startPoint: .prime,
endPoint: .backside
x: .worth("Date", entry.date),
yStart: .worth("Worth", spherical(minY - ((maxY - minY) / 100) * 20)),
yEnd: .worth("PriceEnd", entry.closePrice)
.chartLegend(place: .prime, alignment: .heart)
.chartYScale(area: minY - ((maxY - minY) / 100) * 20...maxY + ((maxY - minY) / 100) * 20)
AxisMarks(values: .stride(by: .day))
{ date in
AxisValueLabel(format: .dateTime.weekday(.slender), centered: true)
}.chartYAxis {
AxisMarks(place: .main)
}.body(width: 347, peak: 161.5)