I’m attempting to implement a inventory chart with swift with two plots: one is the worth and the opposite is a prediction/approximate for the worth. The information is in Entry format, which consists of a date and a value subject. I’m attempting to make two variations of the chart – weekly/day by day. For the day by day chart, I hoped the x-axis could possibly be labeled as hour increment. Nonetheless, since there are two hours, it’s too crowded. I used to be questioning whether it is doable to make use of stride(by: 4 hours) as an alternative and the way can I implement this? I attempted making a TimeInterval variable (60 * 60 * 4) and setting up 4 hours from the calendar part nevertheless it did not work.
Chart {
ForEach(toggleWeekChart ? self.sentiments : dailySentiments, id: .date) { sentiment in
x: .worth("Date", sentiment.date),
// TODO: take away -1 for actual sentiment knowledge
y: .worth("Sentiment", sentiment.closePrice - 1),
collection: .worth("Sentiment", "B")
ForEach(toggleWeekChart ? self.entries : dailyEntries, id: .date) { entry in
x: .worth("Date", entry.date),
y: .worth("Worth", entry.closePrice),
collection: .worth("Worth", "A")
let curGradient = LinearGradient(
gradient: Gradient (
colours: [
startPoint: .high,
endPoint: .backside
x: .worth("Date", entry.date),
yStart: .worth("Worth", spherical(minY - ((maxY - minY) / 100) * 20)),
yEnd: .worth("PriceEnd", entry.closePrice)
// .chartForegroundStyleScale(["Price": .green, "Sentiment": .blue])
.chartLegend(place: .high, alignment: .middle)
.chartYScale(area: minY - ((maxY - minY) / 100) * 20...maxY + ((maxY - minY) / 100) * 20)
AxisMarks(values: .stride(by: toggleWeekChart ? .day : .hour))
{ date in
AxisValueLabel(format: toggleWeekChart ? .dateTime.weekday(.slim) : .dateTime.hour(), centered: true)
}.chartYAxis {
AxisMarks(place: .main)